Week 2-Los Lagos Chile

8:36 AM

Hi everyone!

Okay! Oh wow am a I happy to be emailing all of you! 
So first the missionary work here in Los Lagos. I never expected to feel so busy in my life as I have these past two weeks! Along with working with our progressing investigators and making new contacts we also are focusing a lot on the less active and the branch members. The branch here in Los Lagos has really been suffering. Last week there were only 10 members. We were told that was the lowest it has been in 4 years. It has been gradually decreasing. The missionaries are really involved the branch because there arent many active leaders. So with a member of the stake high council and the Branch president we made a missionary plan. We identified the problem could be that the people are not reading from the Book of Mormon daily. Hermana Gardner and I were feeling so overwhelmed the begining of last week because we didnt know how to best balance our time between new investigators and the branch members as well as where to start. But we felt we needed to focus our message on the Book of Mormon. Its amazing that something so little is so so important. We have been seeing such a special change here. This sunday there were more members at church and 2 of our investigators.
Also I am the new branch pianist. That is funny considering I have never played in front of anyone haha. They have a piano but no one knows how to play and it felt so sad my first week with out the piano so I will just practice hymns during the week then play on Sunday. I am a little nervous but it will be fun! 
So this week we taught one of our investigators Luciana. She is a mother of 3 children and owns a little store. We spoke with her about families 2 weeks ago and it was really cool. I kept thinking about this 5x7 picture I have of the Salt Lake City temple. I have had this picture since I was like 13 and It has either been on my wall in my bedroom or in my scriptures. I love this picture because it always helped me remember my goals which is recieving all the ordinances of the temple to prepare for eternity with my family. I felt that I wanted to give this picture to Luciana. So for our next visit I gave her the picture and bore my testimony of the temple and how it is where families can be sealed together for eternity. Now of course its just a tattered picture but I know that it symbolizes so much. I love talking with our investigators and members about the temple. How it is our goal. It is the Lords house on the earth today. Its so special to see peoples faces light up when they start to realize Heavenly Father is real and that he has a specific plan for every individual and family. 

Haha I had the missionary moment this week where a member gave me a weird food and I had to eat it. When she brought it out my copmpanion started to smile because she knew haha.  It is a drink they have here where its softened wheat (a ton of it!) in a salty liquid yuck!I think usually it is better but my comp told me after this was pretty bad.  And I was gagging the whole time but I kept smiling and I just loved the little lady so it was fine. 
Also remember the Andy Griffith episode Dogs, Dogs, Dogs? Yup that is Chile. They are everywhere! Everywhere. Sometimes I will feel something wet touch my calf, turn around and there is like 3 dogs right behind me. 
Sometimes to not get annoyed I hum "All creatures of our God and King." I still get annoyed haha but I am working on loving them or at least tolerating haha. 
Well it has been a good week. This week I am doing an english fast. No english at all! It will be hard but really good! 
Love you all so so much. Thank you for all you do everyday. 
Also look of Riñihue Southern Chile because it is beautiful its part of my area. 
I love this gospel. I know that we can gain a stronger testimony of its truthfullness if we ask and seek for it. 
Love Hermana Egbert

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