Choose to be Happy!:)

1:40 PM


I sure hope everyone had a really good week:) You are all just great and thanks for reading my long emails every week haha
So for a couple different reasons its been a bit harder lately but I have been seeing even more that Heavenly Father really sends blessing and its our choice to see them. I have a little notebook that I carry in my pocket to note little miracles from the day. I have been shocked that in the midst of hard times the blessings seem to be even more abundent. 

This week we have had so many activities with the ward and investigators. The work is started to move a little more here. It was slow for the first 4 weeks because both my companion and I were new to the area so we walked around with maps and just knocked doors. We are finding some new people and teaching. My companion is very good at getting the members to come with lessons with us and it makes a difference. 
 We were able to teach a man this week who is dating an inactive member. We invited him to church and he came and so did his girl friend. She told us she has been wanted to come to church for a while and when her boyfriend invited her she knew it was time to go. Its amazing how the Lord works in little ways to bring about His work. 
They are great people and we are going to teach them this week.

Funny story, yesterday was ward conference I was playing the piano for the hymns. They havent had someone to play piano in the ward for a while like 6 years so they have been singing the tunes a bit differently. I was playing the sacrament hymn and I am sure I was playing it right but they were singing the same words but a completley different tune. I had to stop playing because everyone was getting messed up. We all just laughed about it afterwards that they had all created their own tunes to the hymns.

Well I hope everyone has a great week:)
Love you ALL
Sister Egbert

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