Look at All This Spanish She Already Knows!

7:35 AM

¡Hola Familia y amigos!

I miss you all so much! I am doing great! The CCM (MTC in spanish)  is an amazing place:) Haha it feels like I have been here for years...and it has only been 11 days. Mexico is great! Well all I have seen of it is the part between the airport and the CCM.. p.s. that was the craziest car ride of my life. The people here drive crazy! There are so many cars and they all drive so close together on all sides. It was insane. When I got to the CCM the first thing I did was put on my name tag. It was incredible. It is such a little thing but I felt like an actual missionary. I was put into a trio with Hermana Jackson and Hermana... EGBERT. Crazy right? She is from Salem OR. We arent sure how we are related haha. Well that companionshipt lasted less than 24 hours. One of the Hermanas that was supposed to fly in with us never showed up (she is fine) so I was asked to changed districts and companions. I am now with Hermana Barton. We are in a district with 10 other Elders. She is a really great compainion. Very dilligent and hard-working. 
These past 10 days have been some of my hardest and some of the GREATEST. ( i think i just summed up a mission). The spirit is so strong. My relationship with the Holy Ghost, Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ have grown so much. The language is hard but I feel like I have been able to pick it up. I know most of what my teachers are saying...its the speaking that I have trouble with. 
I have really been learning that the gift of tongues means much more than learning a new language. More importantly it can be used to help us learn the language of the Holy Ghost which how true conversion happens. 
I love the missionary purpose. 
In spanish it 
Invitar a los personas a venir al Cristo al alayudarlas a que reciban El Evangelio Restaurado mediante la fe in JesuCristo y Su Expiacion, el arrepentimiento, el bautismo, la recepcion del don del Espiritu Santo y el perservar hasta al fin

Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them recive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, recieving the gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring the end. 
I think the thing I have been most amazed by is the the Missionary Purpose is not new. It is found over and over in the Book of Mormon:)

I love learning so much about the gospel in such a simple way. We have had to teach an "investigator" Carlos... its our teacher. Haha no one told us the investigator would be our teacher so we went into teach and at the end he shook our hands and was like Hi I am Hermano Rodriguez. Teaching in spanish is hard. it is easy to get frustrated but it coming slowly but surely. 
The food here is okay. Sometimes it is like we are eating in an authentic Mexican restaraunt and other times we are pretty sure they are feeding us dog...jk..kind of:)

The best thing that has happened while being here is that I truely feel I am at the right place doing the right thing for my life. I am so grateful for this confirmation because I never really knew if going on a mission was the right thing but I knew I wanted to so I just went for it knowing I would be led in the dirrection I needed to go. 
It is hard because sometimes I feel inadequate but when ever I feel that way I remember that I am just a human and that Heavenly Father doesnt have people serve mission just for a body to go share the message but also for our individual personalities and traits that can help us connect with the people we serve. Some times I think I have too much fun so I make sure I can have the spirit with me but I do laugh and am growing a lot. 
I dont know how to hook up my camera to the computer but next week for sure. 
I love you all so much. I know with all my heart this is the true gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I testify that Joseph Smith truely did see God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. I know thaty we have questions or need help in areas of our testimony we can call upon God for help. He desires nothing more that for His children to be happy. I miss home however I find so much comfort in knowing I can still talk to my Heavenly Father just as much as before. He knows each of us so well. 

Love you all so much. I am so grateful for all of your prayers. I feel them everyday. 

Love, Hermana Egbert

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