The real Week 6 Los Lagos (I knew she got it wrong ;))

12:11 PM

Dear family and friends
Okay I got a little ahead of myself last week haha when this was the real week 6! Well I know I say this every single week but this really was a good week.
We had Zone conference on Wednesday and Interviews with President Isom on Thursday.
    First of all before my mission I never understood how every loved their mission president because missions are big and their are so many missionaries. Well I think I understand much better now. I am so grateful I am in this specific mission with my specific Mission president and his wife. 
President Isom is more quiet but he is so wise and such a good leader. Hermana Isom doesnt speak a lick of spanish but she is working soooo hard to learn and really it doesnt matter because when she speaks or even smiles, the spirit is so strong. They are both just good people willing to do the Lords will.
President Obeso was the mission president here before them for 1-1/2 years but he was diagnosed with cancer and had to leave. President and Sister Isom were called to this mission 1 week before I recieved my missioncall. They were living in Wyoming and recieved a call from the quorum of the 12 to meet with an apostle. The call was extended and they were asked be in Chile in 3 weeks. They put their life on hold and got all their stuff in order and said good bye all in 3 weeks. They are doing so well and we all love them so much. 

   At zone conference (three zones) President Isom asked me to come to the front and introduce myself and tell them all the story about Grandpa egbert and Hermana Cecilia who served in Vina Del Mar. 
Haha when I told them I had 10 siblings they all gasped haha every time. 

  I love spanish. I love spanish because I see miracles everyday with learning this language. I am so grateful when I feel I need to say something to the investigator and I can say in and I dont understand how I could say it. So its true I cant hold a conversation about the weather or tell people much about my past, but when the spirit prompts me to say it he always prepares the way and the words are in my mouth. Even if the people dont completley understand my words they can understand the spirit and that is the whole point. 
   I learn more and more everyday that my words dont matter. I am really just preparing myself so I am a better instrument of the spirit. I study the language and the scriptures everyday but its not my understanding it is the spirit that helps me understand. I am okay with this. The Lord really does take imperfect and weak people and allows them to do his work if they are willing. I have been realizing no where in the scriptures does Christ ask for a perfect person to do his work. He over and over asks for people to lean on Him, follow Him and teach of Him. He really does make our biggest weaknesses are biggest strengths. And this is not just for a missionary. This is for every single person in every single stage of life. That is so cool! 

    Also! I just found out I am staying in Los Lagos with Hermana Gardner for my next transfer. I am so happy. I was prepared for changes but I secretly prayed this would happen. I am so grateful for my trainer. She is such a good example! She works hard and loves the people. Also (this is good for me) she likes to laugh and smile and have fun. Sometimes I am a little focused on the work that I forget as a missionary we can and SHOULD smile and laugh. This is her last transfer before she goes home! 

    So many cool things happened with our investigators. Gladys has a baptismal date for next week and Ana Maria for 3 weeks. Keep them in your prayers. Its so interesting. Before I left on my mission Jesse told me to always remeber that it was the spirit who needs to convert the investigator not the missionary and that the spirit would do this usually after the missionaries left the investigators homes. This is so true. We bring the message and invite them to commit and as they keep commitments the spirit can speak with them and change their hearts. 
Missionaries have been teaching Luciana for months. When I came 6 weeks ago she was not keeping commitments and we were about to leave her for a while. Until one day we bore testimony that if she would read her Book of Mormon everyday when we leave she would come to know the truthfulness of the Gospel. When we returned 3 days later, she had read! This continued and she is now finishing 2 nephi. On Thursday we walked into her store and she was just so happy. So happy. She told us that she really believes the Book of Mormon to be the word of God and that Joseph Smith was a prophet. We invited her to be baptized April 15th and she accepted. When she said yes I thought my heart would burst. Her family who was so closed to talking with us is now interested. Her husband and children! I was so happy. I am so happy for her. The Book of Mormon changes people. It invites people to repent and when people read and pray with a desire to know they cant help but feel its truthfullness. 
Now we have more responsibility to help our investigators prepare but I am so grateful for the oppurtunity to stay in Los Lagos with Hermana Gardner with our investigators. 
Well have a really good week! 
Nos Vemos
Hermana Egbert
I will send pics in a couple minutes

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