Raining cats and dogs...mostly dogs. (Week 13-Los Lagos)

12:28 PM

Funny story. So there is no lake in Los Lagos (the lakes) but after all the rain we have had this past week, I think there just might be very soon!

We just started a new transfer which means 2 things New companion and New planner. For all those who have served a mission, you can understand me when I talk about the planner. I didnt recieve my new planner until today and the past week was a little rough to plan. Mission problems;).
Well, Hermana Gardner my wonderful trainer finished her mission and now I have a new companion! Hermana Powell! I wonder if I will ever have a Latina companion:)? She is really great. I feel lucky with the companions I have had so far!
We have been walking a lot this past week! Walking, contacting and walking some more:). Hermana Powell has about 15 months in the mission so I able to learn a lot from her. Since I have been in this area for 3 months I have the opportunity to help her meet the members and know the sector. I have had to talk about 150% more with the people which is a really big challenge and blessing. 
  The branch started to do mutual every week! That is a big deal! There are about 3 youth that come but that is okay!! I love being with them! I remember when the sister missionaries came to YW/YM every week and I loved it. How weird to be in their shoes now! The girls are working on Personal Progress and hector the only YM in the branch is starting Duty to God!

I wish I had time to tell you all every experience I have each day, or better yet that you could all be right here in Chile along side me.. but since thats not possible just know that I am grateful for each of you! 

There is a quote that my friend Leiani gave me before I left, It is by President Hinkley "Forget yourself, and get to work" When I first saw it I thought "well that is a little harsh." However the more I remind myself of that quote the more I realize how true it is. It is harder than it sounds.  But I think it means to know God will take care of me as I strive to give all I have to the people. It is one of the many Ironies of the gospel, that as we lose our life we will find it. I am learning more and more this is true. I know that as we try to do the Lords will it gets easier over time. It slowly will become our will. I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for each of His children. This is one of the first things I love to tell the people. The next is about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 
It is hard. I dont think I am smiling the whole day when we are proselyting in the rain, the dogs are following us and people reject us. However the good thing is, those days are few and after they pass I dont really remember them. It is more amazing than it is hard. I catch myself in awe as I realize what an amazing opportunity it is to be in Chile sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with the people. I know that this is the true church upon the earth. Joseph Smith was a prophet of God who saw God the Father and His son Jesus Christ. If for any reason you feel that there is an area of your testimony that is not as strong or firm as you would like, dont be scared. Just ask in faith, be patient and you with recieve what ever it is you are lacking. 
I love you all! 
Thanks for everything!
Hermana Egbert

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