Week...I lost track (12)

12:27 PM

Hey Everyone, 

"Compadre no compro coco. Como Poco coco compro poco coco compro".
I learned that this week and that it was an accomplishment and would like to extend the challenge.

Okay I finished my training this past week! That is crazy. My trainer is finshing her mission tomorrow and I will be staying in Los Lagos! We thought for a little bit that I might be alone in Los Lagos for the next transfer(The APs forgot to call us haha) but no. Hermana Powell will be coming! She is from Idaho! Its pretty crazy I havent had a Latina companion yet but if there is one thing I have learned is that companionships are inspired so I am excited for this next transfer.

We had a pig roast today! It was an experience to litterally see the whole pig and not just packaged meat (we live in a weird world). They built a fire and litterally roasted the pig. It was really good... I just felt a little sad for the pig. Again I will have to send pictures the next week because I dont have much time. 

We have been teaching a new family and they are doing great. We invited them to say a kneeliing prayer as a family. The dad Miguel offered the prayer and it was a really good experience.  I just never thought too much about the blessing it was to be born into the gospel. To me, things like family prayer were just part of the schedule however its a lot more. Prayer and scripture study are like litteral protection we are given in order to ensure spiritual safety. I remember an experience in the MTC when we were rushing to a meeting and I just didnt say my morning prayer. I felt the prompting of "dont leave the house before praying" sadly I ignored it. I chose to push it away because in my mind there wasnt time. The feeling to pray kept coming. It took me until 2 in the afternoon to decide I would take the time out of my day to say my prayers. I remember feeling better afterwards and thinking  why would I choose not to partake of the spiritual protection we are given. I decided at that point I would never leave the house with out saying my morning prayers. Trust me when I say I know how easy it is to make a "checklist" of things like  to say our prayers, read our scriptures, go to church. But I promise its not. They are things we are given to help us.
I love D&C 90:24
"Search Dilligently, Pray Always, Be Believing and all things shall work together for your good"
I love you all. Thank you for being my examples! 
Keep up the good work! 
Love, Hermana Ashlyn Egbert

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