
4:58 PM


How is everyone? 
So this has been a crazy week. I am here in Punta Arenas with my new companion Hermana Rojas:) It has been quite the adventure because we both arrived with out knowing anything about this area. So we both have a map and have been getting to know El Estrecho a little better.
So I basically had the best birthday I could have ever asked for. I didnt expect anything because a new companion and area that didnt know it was my birthday. I was going to not tell anyone because I felt like it would be weird as a missionary to say "hey its my birthday this Saturday" but I ended up telling my companion the night before so I didnt have to celebrate it alone. She surprised me by calling the members when I was upstairs and telling them. The next day the members started calling me and dropping off presents at the house. I can not believe how kind everyone was to a missionary they didnt even know. There was snow on my birthday, I saw the ocean and at district meeting we sang a christmas hymn... I am not sure it gets better than that.
Okay im not sure where to start with Punta Arenas. I feel like I have been here before and that I have already met the members and investigators but I just dont know where. I am so happy and grateful to be here. Its a really special place. The ward is small but really strong. We have been working with a couple less active members and have found a few new investigators. It is all going a lot smoother than I thought. 
On Saturday we entered the home of a woman and her daughter. They are both amazing. We showed a quick video of Jesus Christ and then asked them how they felt. Marriana (the 25 year old daughter) said that she felt sad because she knows that she has been furthering herself away from Jesus Christ. I just sat there with my companion and listened. While I listened I tried not to focus on what I was going to say. I tried to know how she was feeling and to see her how Heavenly Father sees her. Then when it was time for my companion and I to speak the words were there. We were able to testify with all our hearts that the message we bring should not bring feelings of saddness. It should bring feelings of joy and hope. We testified that we have a Savior because we NEED a Savior. 
I am so grateful to be here on a mission. I am learning every day. I am in awe that Heavenly Father calls young 19 and 20 year olds to do His work through missionary service. Its true that He takes the weak and makes them strong. 
I know that we have a loving Heavenly Father.  Jesus Christ is our Savior. The church of Jesus Christ has been restored upon the earth.
I love the song I know that my Redeemer lives because of the line}
"What JOY this sentance gives, I know that my Redeemer Lives!!"
Thanks for your examples. 
Love you all a whole bunch! 
Love Hermana Egbert

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