4:37 PM

Okay buckle up. This one is going be a good one!

Its been a great week. My companion and I have been working A LOT with the members lately. Visiting them, helping them be excited about missionary work etc. We did a ward fast last Sunday for the missionary work in this Area. 
So about a month ago we found a new investigator Alejandro. He came to an activity this week and then church on SundayOn Saturday we had an appt with him. He told us he prayed to know if the Book of Mormon true and that afterwards he felt a warm feeling and that it was. He accepted to be baptized in Nov. 
Myrna has been sharing with the missionaries for about 2 years now. In all that time she has never come to church. Usually we would stop sharing with someone who isnt progressing but my companion and I have both felt to keep going to her house. For the past 4 months we have kept going and sharing. Her struggle has been that she feels all religions are great and they all get us to Christ. There is no one real religion. As we have shared, invited, asked questions she has begun to realize that God called Joseph Smith to restore His church upon the earth. She believes it is true. She came to church on Sunday!!!!!!!!! She also accepted to be baptized in November. 
Not sure if you remember Lisbeth. She is the daughter of an inactive member Claudia. Lisbeth has been reading the Book of Mormon and still would like to be baptized she accepted for early November. She also miraculously came to church.
The ward was so excited. The church was full and the members welcomed them, hugged them to pieces. 
Missionary work is so special. I know the Lord is in charge. When He wants things to happen He has them happen. The special thing is that each one of these people have started to progress as they pray to know if the Book of Mormon is true and if this is the restored church upon the earth. Through the Holy Spirit they gain testimony of these things. 
Also Hermana West is done with her training!!! WOOHOO! What a ride!
Well I just want to bear my testimony that God lives. Jesus Christ is our beloved Savior. I know the quote that says " God hears our prayers and it is usually through another person he answers them." it is true. 
Have a wonderful week. Love you al!
Love Hermana Egbert

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