
Face plants, guacamole and walking barefoot.

11:22 AM

So funny, my companion have been trying to think up good email headings for the last 5 minutes. 
I think this heading descirbes my week pretty well:)
Face plant: My companion and I were walking on the beach for our dinner, the rocks were really wet, she slipped and magically is okay. After finding out if she was okay, we had ourselves a good laugh. She is one of the only people who has been able to make me laugh so hard I cry.
Guacamole- Mom sent me in a package forever ago (hace tiempo! when english is a bit of a struggle) some taco seasoning packets. I have been saving them for a special occasion. We bought some avocados and we FOUND TORTILLA CHIPS!!!!!!!!!!! I know in the states tortilla chips are something we take for granted but here they are a delicacy! 
We made guacamole and it was so good! 
Also a funny story before I get into the important stuff. This is a clip from an email Hermana West sent to her family

"Saturday night our music practice went over by a ton.  We ended by 9:35, but we had to be in the house for sure by 10:00.  We were in the Ovajero chapel which is about a 25 minute walk to our house from there if we are walking REALLY fast.  Also, we couldnt take a taxi because its the end of the month and we were out of money.  Anyway, because it had been raining all day my companion and I wore our big rubber hunter boots.  The back of my heals were pealing off.  Hahahah that sounds super gross but its true.  The skin was coming off from walking in them for a few days and it hurt so bad.  We had to walk really slow all day.  So we left the chapel and tried to walk fast but its wasnt working. Hermana Egbert and I tried switching shoes to see if her shoes wouldnt hurt me as bad but that was a mistake hahah it made it 10x worse.  We stopped and said a prayer asking for a miracle.  We told Heavenly Father that we wanted to do our best to keep His rule of being in the house by 10:00 and that we were willing to try our best.  After the prayer Hermana Egbert said that it would probably be faster for us if I took off my shoes and walked barefoot home, so I did!  We both took off our shoes (she didnt want me to suffer alone) and started to walk home in the freezing rain as fast as we could!  People were looking at us SO WEIRD and we were trying to hide our nametags so we would just look like to crazy gringas instead of two crazy missionaries.  After about 5 minutes of laughing super hard but also realizing that there was absolutely no way we were going to make it home on time, a miracle happened.  A member had been driving by and saw two tall girls walking and thought it might be the missionaries and that they could give them a ride!  They turned around and took the long way so that they could make sure the missionaries had a ride home.  To their surprise, they pulled up and saw us all wild looking and barefoot. They were super confused hahha but they were really kind and gave us a ride and we were in the house at EXACTLY TEN!!!  We were laughing a ton but at the same time we wanted to cry because we realized that Heavenly Father is super aware of us and wants to bless us.  As we try our best to do what he asks us, he will always provide a way.  Our Heavenly Father is a God of miracles and he has everything planned out to the last detail, we just need to excersice our faith and act. "

It would have been okay not to get in at ten and we knew that but Heavenly Father Provided the way for us to complete with the rule when we could not by ourselves. That is obedience. God wants us to be obedient so He provides the way and means.

Okay the members are doing so great in helping with missionary work! They called our investigators and invited them to church with out us calling and asking them to do it. Lisbeth came to church! I was leading the music and when I saw her come in with her mom I got all mixed up in the leading because I was so excited. She had chosen to come to church instead of her Karate competition! I was so happy!! Tonight we have a family night with a recent convert Alejandra and her Husband who is not a member. He came to church yesterday so we are excited to see if he would like to take the lessons. 
Well that is our week. 
I know Jesus Christ is our Savior. He helps me so much to be able to do the missionary work. Its hard at times and He is my strength. Today I read in Moroni 7 that we should discern all things (do all things) with the light of Christ. I really liked that. It helps me to focus on Christ even when it is hard.
I love you all!
Hermana Egbert

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