Going UP

11:42 AM



Okay so this past week was pretty good:)
We havent been able to meet with a lot of the investigators we are teaching this past week but that gave us lots of time to find some new people:)

Also I found out last night that I will be leaving Punta Arenas haha Hermana West and I finally have transfers. After 4 1/2 months! We feel like sisters haha. 
Well I am being transfered up to Villarrica the most northern part of the mission. It will be a 2 hour plane ride and then 7 hour bus ride to get there. I am excited to see the Pucon Volcano that is right outside the city. 
I will be with Hermana Hill. She has the same time in the mission as Hermana West. They actually were friends in High school which is funny. 
I am excited to work in the new sector and with Hermana Hill!
I am going to miss Punta Arenas so much it is crazy! I feel so at home here. If I ever live outside the country I am living in Punta Arenas Chile.
Its going to be so hard to say goodbye to all the people here. Its amazing how Heavenly Father is the perfect orchestrator. Distance and time is not a problem for Him. He sent me so far away from home to find people that I could help and could help me grow closer to Him and His son Jesus Christ. 

This past week I loved reading in 1 and 2 Nephi. I love how Nephi is so focused on obeying and listening for the Holy Ghost. I know that it is so important to learn how the Holy Ghost speaks with us individually. Its like learning a new language. It takes time and practice. 

Also Hermana West and I celebrated Thanksgivng. That was a party! We found turkey at the story (slices haha) also mom sent me a gravy packet in a package a long time ago that I have been saving for this specific day:).

Well I hope you all have a great week! I always love the day after Thanksgiving because its when everyone finally starts celebrating Christmas with me haha I do start christmas in July...
Have you all seen the new Light the World video? So cool! We are really focusing on it this December as missionaries!!
Love you all!
Hermana Egbert

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