Happy Thanksgiving

11:41 AM


Okay so fun stuff first

1. It snowed! Happy summer in Punta arenas. I have been in winter since April. 
2. It now gets dark here at 11pm and light at 4am. When I got here it got dark at 4pm and light at 11am. 
3. A nice old couple gave me a bag of 200 candies just because 

It was just an interesting week. Hermana West and I were so tired because its light so early! We wake up at 5 and think we slept in. Its a blessing and a curse. We first have a Home Alone moment "we slept in!" then we check our watches and realize we get to sleep for 2 more hours. 

Alejandro is doing well. Smoking less and less everyday. We were able to watch meet the mormons with Lisbeth and her family. We have been finding new people to teach which the best. 
I think this past week I have been so grateful to be a missionary. I love listening to people and helping them to come to know Jesus Christ. I feel like I am working right along with the investigators. We are all just allowing the love of Jesus Christ to change our hearts and make us happy. 
I am so grateful for the ward. I love these people. Being in an area for 6 months is a huge blessing. I know them each and love them. There is one little girl, bella, who is so sweet but has soooo much energy. A couple weeks back to help her calm down during the Sacrament meeting I had her come sit on the floor in front of me while I played with her hair. Its become a little tradition. Fun story. I was leading the music for the opening hymn and she came running up to the stand with a hair brush and princess detangler spray so I could play with her hair.  I had to keep myself from laughing. 
Well have a very special week. I will be thinking of you all this Thanksgiving. 
I really liked reading in Moroni 10 about spiritual gifts. I have been seeing more and more that the members here and the investigators each have spiritual gifts and the message we share is what helps them develop and apply them. I am very grateful for our Savior who loves us so much.
Have a great week. 
Hermana Egbert
Pics are on there way..

Me and La rafa!
Primary kids service activity. My eyes are almost always closed in pics. Signature

Nerf gun war with a family in the ward

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